66th Annual Convention
October 11-13, 2023

Workshops 2023
This year, the workshops will be addressing some crucial topics, such as the opioid epidemic and its impact within the construction industry. There will be discussions on how injured workers and their families cope with the pressures of injuries sustained while on the job. Additionally, participants will delve into realistic strategies for addressing these systemic issues stemming from high rates of injuries, high rates of pain management misuse, and a lack of support from the industry.
Workshop 1:
Opioid Substance Use and Injured Workers
Wednesday October 11, 2023 - 10:00am - 11:30am
By Brad Valley, Senior Lawyer – Building Trades Workers Services (BTWS),
Matt Ferguson, Paralegal – Building Trades Workers Services (BTWS),
and Trevor Schell, Ergonomist - Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW)

Building Trades Workers Services’ Brad Valley and Matt Ferguson discuss opioid substance use and injured workers. They will provide an overview of the opioid crisis, obstacles faced by injured workers, and solutions and strategies.
Trevor Schell is an Ergonomist at the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers. He will review the unknown burden of Musculoskeletal injuries in the construction sector. He will also review Ontario injury rates (What is captured and what is missing from recorded data), trends, and possible solutions of how we can get the unknown answers.
At the end, there will be a panel discussion with Brad, Matt, and Trevor to discuss opioid substance use and how to make effective change.
'Opioid Substance Use and Injured Workers' Powerpoint.
2.6MB Download
Last Updated: October 5, 2023
'How can prevention occur when the truth is unknown?' Powerpoint.
1.6MB Download
Last Updated: October 5, 2023

Workshop 2:
Musculoskeletal Chronic Pain
Wednesday October 11, 2023 - 11:45am – 1:15pm
By Carmine Tiano, Director of Occupational Services – Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario (PBCTCO),
and Dr. Don Castaldi, Psy.D. – DC Waterstone Services

Carmine Tiano and Dr. Don Castaldi, psychologist with DC Waterstone Services, join forces to deliver a thought-provoking presentation about Musculoskeletal Chronic Pain.
In part one, Carmine will provide a review of Musculoskeletal pain and its association to the construction industry and hazards. He will will look at the drivers of drug dependency and workplace barriers.
In part two, Dr. Don Castaldi will review chronic pain in the construction industry. This will include leading approaches to chronic pain, brain safety, and active wellness.
At the end, there will be a panel discussion with Carmine, Don and Trevor Schell about solutions to systemic issues.
'Non-Opioid Based Treatments for Persons Enduring Musculoskeletal Chronic Pain' Fact Sheet
24.2kb Download
Last Updated: October 11, 2023